Often webmail applications like Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail impose limitations on the size of an attachment that you can send to someone. And on the other end, receivers have limitations on what can be received, especially if you're not using an account like Gmail or Yahoo! that has at least 1GB of space. Here's where
YouSendIt.com gets in the picture. Now instead of being upset about attachment size limitations or taking up unnecessary space in a recipient's inbox, you can send a large file like a Powerpoint presentation, a short video, a long song, and more.
All you do is go to the webpage, upload your file to their server (instructions are straightforward), and a link will be generated. The link will be sent automatically to your recipient, and the recipient can forward the link around if he/she wants others to have access to the file also. So you don't want to do this with highly confidential data since anyone who has access to the link can download your file. You can only send one file at a time, so it's not the best for sending multiple pictures. This is generally the best for files between larger than 5 megabytes, up to 1 GB (that's 1000 MB)! YouSendIt.com will generate a link for you. The file stays on the server for seven days.