Thursday, September 22, 2005

Did you watch JetBlue land?

To see this live was surreal. I can't imagine how much worse it was for the passengers and flight attendants on board who are watching the situation develop as they stare at the back of the headrest in front of them.

If you missed it, you can watch the video here.

As one passenger put it, "I thought how it must have been like on Sept. 11 watching on television and seeing the planes come toward the building."

I had just assumed that the captain would not show anything on the on-board screens. Without seeing themselves on TV, a calm captain and crew would have made the situation a lot less stressful and emotional.

Yes, the pilots should be commended on their skill of landing that aircraft. But there was definite lack of wisdom in deciding to keep their in-flight TVs on.

Do you think passengers should have been able to watch the situation unfold on their in-flight monitors? Share your comments.

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